

The Brotherhood Department of the New Jerusalem C.O.G.I.C. Apostolic, like all the other auxiliaries of the church, has an outreach role. It functions within the ambit of the church’s objective, of reaching out and witnessing to the wider community. Ministering to folks, as we share the joys of salvation, is at the heart of the Brotherhood Department’s existence. In addition, the department, through its varied activities and programs, strives to encourage and enhance men’s fellowship in all aspects.

The department President is Minister Richard Sutton, who is assisted by his Vice Presidents, Minister Donovan Brown and Elder S. McKenzie, and a ministerial board of elders. Our Pastor, Bishop A.G. Blackwood oversees our decisions, and to us, he is our ‘big brother’. The department works closely with him in support of the vision he has for the church. All brothers are encouraged to become active in the department. The fourth (4th) Sunday of each month, is designated as ‘Brotherhood Sunday’, and an Annual Anniversary Service is held each November.

The activities of the department are geared towards strengthening the brothers spiritually. It endeavors to raise the level of consciousness of their roles as leaders while fostering a sense of ‘oneness of the body’ in spreading the love of God in fellowship. Monthly meetings are held, including monthly men’s choir practice. There are also periodic meetings/discussions focusing on spiritual growth, understanding the purpose and call of God, and men’s (health) issues. Breakfast meetings, organized “Fun Days” – (emphasis on sporting activities), and “project days” wherein maintenance around the church property is undertaken, are some of the other activities of the department. One major focus of the department now is preparing to make a great push in witnessing to our community. We continue with the assurance of God’s blessings, for “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way” [Ps. 37:23].


The Women’s Department is an integral part of the New Jerusalem Church of God in Christ (Apostolic), Inc.’s Outreach Ministries. It is the largest auxiliary of the church, both in terms of numbers (being made up of all the ladies of the assembly), as well as with respect to responsibilities entrusted to it. As a consequence, it operates through various committees to achieve its goals and objectives, which are in line with the church’s mission. Its sole purpose, therefore, as an outreach arm of the church, is to ensure that the vision of our pastor, Bishop A.G. Blackwood is fulfilled. That mission is to declare the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Redeemer, throughout our wider community, being ever mindful that social care is a part of the Christian witness.

The department activities include, but are by no means limited to:

a) the spiritual upliftment of our sisters through the organization of seminars and workshops;

b) visiting, praying with, and assisting those who are sick and home-bound;

c) a tract ministry;

d) responsibility for implementing all fund-raising activities of the church; and

e) liaison with new members and visitors. In addition, the department is responsible for the annual pre-Thanksgiving Day dinner provided for those in shelters for the homeless, or otherwise destitute caring families. It also has an ongoing clothing and coat drive, and food distribution program.

The department holds regularly scheduled monthly meetings. It organizes special Saturday morning prayer sessions and hosts an Annual Women’s Conference. Together the women closely with the other auxiliaries, under the overall supervision of our pastor, in carrying out their functions in support of the church’s mission.
We hope to see you at one of our many functions. May God forever bless you.


“Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4 vs12)
We are grateful for this privilege of opening our doors to show you the new things that God is doing for the youths of New Jerusalem. Age is no limit, the ability is enhanced and zeal encouraged as we tap into the unlimited resources that are found in serving God. You too can be a part of this end-time move of God especially when we as young people gather to worship on a Friday night. At New Jerusalem, this is only one of the unique opportunities given to us by our Pastor, Bishop A.G. Blackwood to utilize our talents, maximize our potential and be all that we can be in service to the Lord. Our motto “ Pleasing God and not man, for to me to live is Christ” is the focal point of our lifestyle and worship. Thus it is with joyous enthusiasm that we invite you to join us this and every Friday at 7:30 p.m. for our Young People’s Service. Here we worship without restraint, work upon our talents, and just have a “good old time” in the Lord.


“Pleasing God and Not Man, For to Me to Live is Christ”

As the Day of the Lord approaches, we as Youths for Christ, are determined to make full proof of our mission and ministry – “Be Thou An Example to the Believers’. We, with the help of God, will endeavor to gain souls for the Kingdom of God as we press toward the prize of eternal life.

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